Environmental aspects
Environment Responsibility forms a natural part of our activities. Our social responsibility includes seeking to safeguard the environment and doing everything we can to contribute to ecologically sustainable development.
Our environmental services in the form of radioactivity measurements are part of a process designed to ensure that people are better protected against ionising radiation. We are also constantly engaged in efforts to raise awareness about such radiation, as well as to address other environmental issues. Our products and processes are intended, throughout their life cycles, to have as little impact as possible on the natural environment.
We aim to prevent pollution and, as a matter of course, to comply with relevant environmental legislation. We also seek to make prudent use of energy, water and materials. Our environmental objectives should accord with national objectives for the environment.
Environment policy
Our environmental services in the form of radioactivity measurements are part of a process designed to ensure that people are better protected against ionising radiation. We are also constantly engaged in efforts to raise awareness about such radiation, as well as activities relating to other environmental issues.
Our products and processes are intended, throughout their lifecycles, to have as little impact as possible on the natural environment. We aim to prevent pollution and, as a matter of course, to comply with relevant environmental legislation. Our environmental objectives should accord with national objectives for the environment. We also seek to reduce our use of energy, water and materials.
Important objectives for us are
- To reduce the quantity of waste we produce by using products and packaging that can be reused or recycled to a larger extent,
- To reduce our consumption of chemicals by improving reusability,
- To raise awareness about ionising radiation and other environmental issues among our staff, customers, suppliers and the general public
We want pro-environmental efforts to play a dynamic role in our company and bring about constant improvements. We aim to achieve this by
- Continuously striving to attain our declared environmental objectives and develop new objectives
- Maintaining an open dialogue on our efforts to improve our environmental performance
- Providing in-service training on environmental matters for all staff
- Ensuring that all staff have a sense of personal responsibility for our environmental efforts
- Encouraging our customers and suppliers to improve their environmental performance, and
- Openly reporting on our environmental efforts to our customers, suppliers and the general public.
Our pro-environmental efforts are guaranteed by our commitment to follow European and international environmental standards and by our own procedures.
For Radonova,
Karl Nilsson, Managing Director